Posts from the ‘Links to Good Stuff!’ Category

Sunday Link Love

Sooo, I’ve had an incredibly busy week and as such I haven’t been the best reader this week.  I do, however have a couple of links which will be relevant in my upcoming posts

1. Vegan Bacon Recipe @ No Meat Athlete I’ve posted this link before but this time it’s going to be relevant because I’m totally soaking the beans and buckwheat to make my very first batch.  I figured the 3 day weekend is the perfect opportunity to try something new.  Also, I’m dying for a BLAT sandwich and I am loathe to actually buy real bacon.  (Mind you, I’m still at the point where I’d likely eat real bacon but if I have a decent substitute… it might be bye bye bye!)

2. The 9 Spots You Must Treat to Stop Chafing @ Just Your Average Joggler With my 7 mile run I encountered chafing for the first time.  This experience will be discussed in a future post.  However, as I scanned the internet for advice on what parts to use the anti-chafing product on, I stumbled across this post and jumped for joy that someone had spelled it out for me.  Thanks!

There you have it!  You can expect a discussion about chafing and vegan bacon this week!  Wait… maybe I shouldn’t have put them in the same sentence…..

Sunday Link Love

I’ve only got one link for you today and for once it’s not due to a lack of reading.  I’ve been reading a lot this week, but I’ve been doing a lot of it here. That link will take you to a post called The Disease Called “Perfection.”

I cannot begin to express how powerfully moved I was by this post and how timely it seems that I find it now as the year begins to progress towards the holidays; those times of the year when I feel the pressure to be perfect is at its highest and people can feel the worst about themselves.  I also feel it’s a useful read for anyone involved in weight loss, as it’s easy to get lost along the road to your goal.  What exactly is your goal?  How will you know when you’ve reached your goal?  That’s a trick my therapist always uses… “how will you know when you have…..” and it works every time.  It makes me visualize the vague notion I have in my head of my happiness.

I mean, it’s one thing to say something will make me happy.  It’s another thing entirely to visualize having it, look at the characteristics of it, and to explain how it will make you feel.

I’ll end the ramble here but I hope everyone takes a look at that post, it’s good food for thought.

I love Saturdays

Seriously, can it get any better?

I always intend to sleep in a bit on Saturdays, especially now that the weather is cooler and I’m not trying to beat the heat for my run.  However, it just seems as though I can’t contain my excitement and I’m awake even before my alarm would go off on a week day. 🙂

Today’s run: a mere 3 miles per my training schedule.  Last week was my epic 5 (which the Garmin ate) and next week will be a fantastic 6.

I’ve noticed my stride is a bit messed up after attempting to run on the treadmill Thursday (another epic fail which makes two horrible runs this week).  I tried not to stress about it as I seemed to initially get better and THEN make things worse if I concentrated on it too much.

And, in case you want to know what I look like at 5:45 am while I’m waiting for the sun to rise so I’m not running around in the dark (which I totally used to do until a number of people yelled at me about the horrible things which happen to women that early in the morning).

Still sporting my bondiband (still love, love, love it) and with a newly acquired vest for mornings such as this one where it’s too chilly for a t-shirt and yet much too warm for a sweat shirt.  It’s a cheapo vest bought for a tiny amount of money as a practice run on if I’ll like wearing such things.  I think I’m giving the whole vest idea a thumbs up.

I found myself craving some gloves as my hands ended up being the only part of my body cold… anyone out there know of good gloves for that sort of thing?  Do I need special ones or will any old pair of gloves do?

And for breakfast this morning: Peanut Butter Waffles courtesy of The Non-Dairy Queen.

Yup, that’s a tractor plate.  Don’t. Judge. Me.

The waffles were good, not quite what I was expecting but pretty healthy all things considered.  I topped them with some real maple syrup – which ended up being too much sugary taste which sorta put a damper on the whole thing.  I will probably make them again and just top them with some mashed banana or something.

So there you have it, a fantastic Saturday morning, complete with pumpkin spice coffee (which I bought at the store and made after a LOT of Twitter talk about pumpkin spiced lattes and which, I can assure you, are likely one million times better than my coffee, which sorta sucks).

I can’t wait to have some good week day runs this week and go for those 6 miles next Saturday!

Sunday Link Love

Today’s lack of links brought to you by:  My Busy Schedule.

However, instead of posting links, I plan on clearing out all the unread posts in my google reader and posting some comments which I’m severely behind on.

I say some comments as I’m really bad at commenting but I love when people comment on my blog… so it’ll be an effort.

Have a super Sunday!

I’m off for my longest run ever!

Sunday Link Love

Busy, busy and busier with school back in session.  I only have two links to share with you because my google reader is full of crapola I still need to read.  I like these though and that’s what matters.  Next week I hope to get my google reader to say 0 a few times.

  1. First up we have Endurance isn’t Only Physical with Labor of Love – This one made me feel good because she admits running is hard and she does some serious running.  I like when others admit they find something hard and I find it hard also.
  2. Next is Fooducate with a thought-provoking post on how backwards food is in America. Should We be Happy?  It’s not our fault we’re fat.

Sunday Link Love

Ahhh, back to school.  I’ve had far less time to keep up with the blogs I read with the start of the school year and even so, I have a few links to share with you.  These are the posts which stuck with me a bit this past week.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

1. My Modern Met – Everything you need to know about fast food in one picture. Eye opening on some issues… on others it’s exactly what you’d think it would be.  Definitely worth a look.

2. Making Food and Other Stuff – P90X & Insanity Smackdown – Someone who has actually completed both programs shares her views and reveals her favorite.  For the record, I’m still too much of a chicken to try P90X though my chiropractor is currently doing it and I’m really enjoying all the tales of it kicking his ass.

3. Oh She Glows – Why I Love Running – Angela speaks about the moment she fell in love with running.  It’s a post which is near and dear to my heart as those moments she asks about (crying or shivering) are some of the most powerful moments I’ve ever hand and they are the reason I keep at it even when I feel like the slowest runner on this planet.  I’ve been reading Angela’s blog for ages now and she was recently in Chicago.. I wanted to go there and stalk her like a celebrity. (Yes, I’m that much of a dork.)

4. No More Bacon – Beginning Yoga with Bieber – Don’t ask… just go and watch the video.  Trust me, it’s worth it.  I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants.  Much love to the man shunning bacon.

5. The Giggly Bits – Weight Loss Interventions (and Follow Up) – Rita over at The Giggly Bits was asked to participate in a weight loss intervention a while back (she declined) and she finally got an update this past week.  It’s worth reading both posts (there are 2 links there) because it’s certainly food for thought.

Sunday Link Love

Here are some fantastic finds in the blogging community from this week. Early in the week I’d thought the Vegan Bacon would be trumped by nothing.  Then people started dancing in front of video cameras.  Now I’m just torn.

1. No Meat Athlete – Vegan Bacon Now, I don’t care who you are.  This is fantastic news.  I don’t want to hear any of that “why don’t you just eat the real thing if you want bacon” crap either.  The less I eat meat, the more disgusting animal fat becomes (the meat is ok, the fat is gross now).  I miss the flavor of bacon and so when I found this post the heavens opened up and I heard the angels sing. (Yes.  It was like that.  It was Just.  Like.  That.)  I haven’t actually made it (who keeps buckwheat on hand?  not me) but I have faith it will be good.  I’m dreaming of bacon. lettuce, tomato and avocado pitas!

2. Heather Eats Almond Butter – The Fat is Back – Heather touches on how fat is her body’s preferred macronutrient.  We are all different.  We have all heard the same “diet myths/truths” for years.  She offers a nice perspective and reminds us to listen to our bodies… not assumed information.  She followed this post up with this gem where she talks about the diets she tried and how she finally settled upon the way of eating that works FOR HER.  Definitely worth a read.

3. Beneath It All – Adventures in Foam Rolling Ahhh, another person finds the joys of the foam roller.  Seriously people.  I cannot sing the praises of this invention enough.

4.  Exercise, Strong & Support Defined – I’m sure there are more of these out there…. but here are some blogs who participated in asking kids what those three words mean.  For what it’s worth, both No More Bacon and The Giggly Bits feature dancing after the serious business.  As for who would win in a dance-off between The Gigglet and Mr. Bacon…. well…..I’ll let you decide.